Wednesday 12 March 2014

Day 3

To start the day off we went on our daily walk/run. After breakfast and morning chapel, our groups set off to go to their separate sites. Our youth build team finished the roof and also plastered all the interior. With help from Daniel, the house is almost completed. The family build site started the day off by finding out the mother of the family, who as you may know is struggling with cancer, was taken to the hospital last night. Though this is hard to take in, the team is staying strong and working together to finish the house. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Our community service folks went to the local hospital and gave sandwiches and juice to those who needed them, as well as  giving prayer to the patients waiting. In the evening we went to the local church. Not only was the service excellent, but everyone had a moment where they were able to connect with a local through prayer . Awake, but tired we are ready for bed. Wishing you well - Tiarra, Callum.

Also, Megan and Sara love Mexicans


  1. Hey There Everyone ! Tiarra's Dad here. Hope all is well over there. Sounds like you are all working hard, accomplishing lots but having fun too, that's awesome. Keep up the great work ! Snow storm here yesterday... Black Ice everywhere this morning and a RECORD low of MINUS 16 c ... LOL soooo enjoy the warmth. Great work everyone. Try pics again if possible as the last batch didn't load... maybe a different format ? Work hard, laugh hard and have fun, you are all making a difference and THAT... is pretty cool : )

  2. Thanks Tiarra & Callum, for keeping up this blog! We read it daily, keeping up with what the "other half" of our house is doing! Can't wait to hear what God's doing through you while you're there! All our love, from the home half of the Straus house!

  3. I love these updates! Sounds like an amazing time down there in the sun and warmth. Be glad you're away this week - it's CO-O-O-O-O-O-O-LD and icy up here in the north country! Sure wish the pictures were available - we'd love to be able to see your work in progress. Way to go kids!!! God is doing tremendous things through you. Hi Lucas!!!

  4. Thanks for keeping us posted on what you've been learning & doing and who you've met in Mexico. I know the woman struggling with cancer will be encouraged by your generosity in caring for her family by building the house and praying for her. Can't wait to see your pictures, hear your stories and see your sunburns (um, Callum) when you get home. With much love, Laura, Blythe & Keegan

  5. What a wonderful experience you are all having, with lots of powerful memories being made. i am looking forward to hearing your personal accounts of your week doing mission work, and helping others. Take care, Brenda (Graeme and Heather's Mom)
